Temple of Athena Nike
   Photo: Temple of Athena Nike

Ancient Greek Temple of Athena Nike is located on the Athenian Acropolis. It is also called the temple of Athena Nike. Translated from the Greek "Nick" means "victory", and Athena - the goddess of victory in the war and wisdom.

Temple is the first Ionic temple on the Acropolis and is located on a steep hill to the right of the Propylaea (main entrance). Here the locals worshiped the goddess in hope of a positive outcome in the long war with the Spartans and their allies (the Peloponnesian War).

In contrast to the Acropolis, where the walls of the sanctuary can be accessed only through the Propylaea, the sanctuary was opened by Nike. The temple was built between 427 and 424 BCE the famous ancient Greek architect Callicrates on the site of the ancient temple of Athena, which was destroyed by the Persians in 480 BC Construction is amphiprostyle - type of ancient Greek temple on the front and rear facades of which the four pillars in a row. Stylobate temple has three stages. Friezes adorned with sculptural reliefs depicting Athena, Zeus, Poseidon and scenes of military battles. The surviving fragments of sculpted frieze exhibited at the Acropolis Museum and the British Museum, in the same church today secured a copy.

Like most of the buildings of the Acropolis, the Temple of Athena Nike is built of Pentelic marble. After the work is completed, about 410 BC, the temple was surrounded by a parapet to protect people from falling from a steep cliff. From the outside, it was decorated with bas-reliefs depicting Nicky.

Inside the temple there was a statue of the goddess Nike. In one hand was a statue of a helmet (symbol of war), and the other grenades (symbol of fertility). Greeks usually depicted a winged goddess, but the statue did not have wings. This was done on purpose, to win never left the city. Hence the name of the temple of Athena Nike (wingless victory).

Temple of Athena Nike, thanks to the restoration, well enough preserved to this day and is a wonderful monument of classical Greek art.

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