Ancient Agora
   Photo: Ancient Agora

Agora - a market square, where the national court or a meeting of free citizens in the open air. Thus, upon conviction of the Agora was executed in the prison of Socrates. There are shopping arcades, theaters, schools, mint. It was the Agora from the Acropolis Panathenaic road.

From buildings of the Agora preserved Temple of Hephaestus (V century BC.). The temple was dedicated to the patron of crafts Hephaestus and Athena. Popular name Temple - Theseion, it comes from the fact that in the sculptural decoration of the temple were used scenes from the life of the legendary king Theseus. During the Byzantine period in the temple it was set up the Christian Church, which functioned until the XIX century.

In 1950, American archaeologists restored the standing of Attalos - a long two-story portico, a gift the city of King Attalus. Now it houses the Museum of the agora.

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