Duden Waterfalls
   Photo: Duden Waterfalls

One of the natural attractions of the region of Antalya - the incredible beauty of the waterfalls Dyudena. Group waterfalls formed by the river Duden - the main river south of Antalya and at the same time one of the many rivers of the Taurus. Several stages, it crashes down on the ledges tufa Antalya. Rivers originating in the mountains of Toros flowing on the surface of the slope or the rage right inside the rocks. Making for quite a long journey, they descend into the Mediterranean Sea. The number of more than two dozen waterfalls. They organized numerous excursions and unforgettable panorama of waterfalls can be estimated from the nearby recreation area.

Few people know that this beauty is not only a natural phenomenon, but also partly the handiwork of man. Many irrigation canals were dug during the time of Murat Pasha. A small stream of water running down one of the rocks in the sea, so long been called the city of Antalya waterfalls. Now, these waterfalls are part of the existing and the karst hydrogeological system.

Kirkgёzler and Pinarbashi - so called two large karst source of the river Duden .  They are located on the 28th and 30th kilometers of the old road Antalya - Burdur .  These streams merge into one and disappear into a large sinkhole Biyikly .  Hiding from the eyes, the river runs 14 km underground and appears on the surface only in the basin Varshakskoy .  Then, quite a bit of flowing over the surface, the flow again, hiding under the ground, and within 2 km under the pressure of coming to the surface in Dyudenbashi .  On entry and exit is Dyudenbashi Kepezhsky hydropower complex .  There is an artificial and stage .  All this is done using a special control system .  It was built in front of the funnel Biyikli and directs water sources Kirgёtsler Pinarbasi and the long path to the hydroelectric plant in Kepez header .  Hence the water through the pipe to the pressure flows to the turbine plant .  From the Department of Plant discharge water rushing down a long path back to Dyudenbashi, where it forms artificial cascades .

The largest waterfall is called Upper and Lower Duden. Upper Duden falls off a cliff in two streams into a deep bowl of the lake. The rocks in which water flows are emerald hue, thanks to the beautiful carpet of moss. Directly behind the waterfall hidden cave where you can walk and admire the flow of water inside. There's quite a damp and dripping from the ceiling, but in the depths of the cave is a huge hall with a kind of hole in the roof through which you can see a piece of heaven. At the bottom of the cave is situated strange formation, it seems that the red-hot meteorite flew here and stood petrified in bursts, hit the floor. It is said that if you tie a thread around a burst of stone horns and make a wish, it will surely come.

The waterfall is surrounded by plenty of comfortable viewing platforms. There, sitting on the bench, you can enjoy views of the magnificent plants of the park, the river that gives its life-giving water and cool and pleasant noise of the waterfall. In the air hovers a light and pleasant scent of conifers. For boiling water fun to watch while standing on a wooden suspension bridge. Walking in the shade of luxurious trees along the river, you can admire the wild ducks swimming in the crystal clear water. The park has a lot of cozy cafes where you can eat tasty and inexpensive, and if you took with them food is a picnic on the grass right next to the river. Antalya residents often come here on holidays and weekends and is considered an ideal place for family holidays.

The origin of the cascade takes 12 km to the north-east of Antalya and ends with a luxurious waterfall Lower Duden, a falling from a high rocky cliff in the Mediterranean Sea. It is a delightful sight and is located 8 kilometers from Antalya on the way to Lara Beach. You can see the Lower Duden in the plane, during the approach to the airport of Antalya. Beaming shimmering rainbow was the first to welcome welcomes tourists noisy streams of its crystal clear waters.

This waterfall is the world's largest waterfall drop-down in the sea. Its height is 50 meters. Fresh river flows, falling down in the open arms of the Mediterranean Sea (the water of the Mediterranean Sea is one of the saltiest in the world - 39%), creating a loud noise that carry for kilometers.

Near the waterfall undeveloped beautiful recreation area, which is a national park. For the convenience of tourists here includes cafes, shops, sheds, observation deck. Lower Duden is best to look in the afternoon, when the wind blows from the old town. At this time, the sun's rays as if playing with jets of water and create the illusion of deposits of precious stones. Above the waterfall hangs a semi-circle rainbow.

Very beautiful waterfall looks from the sea. To see this spectacle, better sail here on a boat or a yacht from the harbor. Admire the waterfall from the sea here come the many ships with tourists. Locals say it's the perfect place for family holidays and picnics, so they try from time to time to go and see here.

For romantics fit and night walks to the waterfall. At this time of day mystery raging stream add bright lights of the city and head hanging over the arch of the sky. If you drive a few kilometers away, you can walk down to the beach and swim in the sea night.

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