Museum of Central Australia
   Photo: Museum of Central Australia

Museum of Central Australia, located in Alice Springs, talks about the unique nature of the central region of the "green" of the continent, its geological history, the evolution of the landscape and the amazing creatures that inhabited the place hundreds or thousands of years ago.

The fragments of meteorites, fossils and interactive displays - are the main "witnesses" of the geological history of Central Australia since the time of the Big Bang to the present day.

The layout of the ancient pond Alkuta, the main place of research in the region, demonstrates some amazing fossils of megafauna found here - the giant freshwater crocodile and the largest bird that ever lived on earth.

Outstanding exposure Central Australian birds, mammals, reptiles and insects will allow visitors to identify some of the animals they might see during a trip to the Red Centre.

The museum houses a research center «Strehlow», keeps one of the largest collections of Australian films, recordings, archival records and items relating to the ceremonial life of the local Aboriginal people. This collection over several decades of anthropological research collected Carl Strehlou Lutheran priest and his son.

The museum also houses a traveling exhibition of the Library of Northern Territory, dedicated air strikes on Darwin in February 1942. During the Second World War along the highway, Stuart Highway, connecting Darwin and Alice Springs were located Defense Forces, who are ready to defend the northern part of Australia. Visitors can see photos and archival materials of those years.

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