   Photo: Aitape

At 33 km south-east of Alanya, in the direction of the ancient city of Selinus (now Gazipasa), it is the historic harbor, the city port or as it is called the city of Lima aytap. The ancient name of this ancient city is also widespread among the local population - Aitape. The ruins can be seen directly from the road - they are in the Cape Kёmyurlyuk in the valley and on the mountain slopes.

The city was founded in the II. Don. e., and named, according to scientists, historians, based on documentary sources, somewhere in the I century. after the wife of king Antiochus IV kommagenskogo Lotape (38 - 72 gg.n.e.). The area, located between the Euphrates and the Taurus mountains in early BC He was called Commagene. Here, as a result of the civil war in the I century. BC, which has become one of the causes of the destruction of the Seleucid state, there was an independent state, which became the first ruler Mithridates I. In this position he was succeeded by Antiochus I, whose successor became Mithridates II. So the royal dynasty continued to rule up to 72 AD, until the country became part of the Roman province of Syria.

After looking carefully you can see that this ancient ruins of the ancient city belong to the Byzantine and Roman periods. Has come down to our times of historical sources known that for quite a long period to the Roman era - from the reign of Emperor Trajan (38 - 72 AD) to the emperor Valerian (270 - 275 AD), in the city made minting its own coins. On one side it depicted a bust of the emperor and on the other - the image of the gods Apollo and the Persians, who worshiped the people of that time.

At the eastern end of the ancient city are the ruins of the temple, which was built by Pompey in the 111 - 114 gg.n.e., as evidenced by the inscription on its wall. The city has a port the size of 50x100 meters.

On the plain before the canyon joining the acropolis to the mainland, there are two paved roads, extending from the center of the ensemble in the east and west directions. On both sides of these streets is still possible to observe the pedestals, which consist of 3 steps and pedestals on which sometime in the distant past were statues. Labels applied to these pedestals, managed to decrypt and read scientists, so it became known that in them we are talking about strong athletes, philanthropist and noble citizens who donated money for the city.

On a high promontory Kёmyurlyuk in this ancient city was located the acropolis. He served as the center of an ancient settlement and was an elongated structure, which stretches to the sea. The city walls, built for defense purposes, give the people here kind of impregnable fortress buildings. But despite this, the structure of which were in those days inside the city walls, almost did not survive to the present day. All of them are destroyed so that even the layout of the ancient city to determine now is not possible.

From west to east along the isthmus linking the Cape to the mainland, passes the main street of the city, decorated with columns. Around the bay, to the east of the Acropolis, the city's religious buildings were located. One of the best preserved of them is the Basilica. "Basilica" in Greek means "royal house" and is a rectangular structure, which consists of three naves, with attached to it at a later time to other premises. A small church, which has preserved the amazing beauty of ancient frescoes, is located north-west of the basilica.

Drinking water was delivered to the city of the four bodies of water connected to the drain, which was laid from the territory of the necropolis in the gorge. Necropolis in Aitape situated on a hill in the eastern and northern parts of it. To date, most of the graves of the necropolis destroyed, but some of the gravestones and vaulted sepulchres can still see.

There was also a sauna. From it remained only two vaulted rooms, but the most interesting is its sewer system, it has come down to our times. Archaeologists had found that the dirty water coming out of the bath was assigned not only the central channel, which was laid from the gorge to the sea, but also on additional channels connected to the main.

The view from the top of a high hill, on which the fortress was built, so beautiful, just forget about the difficulties of the climb.

Today, the ancient town of Aitape is the most easily accessible from all around Alanya preserved ancient cities. It is a great place to relax thanks to the indescribable beauty of nature and magnificent beaches stretching along the coast.

The descent to the sea is quite steep. The terrain is very rocky and rather rough, but to the west and east of these ancient ruins spread very fertile land, where today grow local varieties of bananas with the principles of terrace farming.

A stay in this picturesque area or take a dip in a secluded deserted cove with a sandy beach is simply impossible. Water is intensely turquoise, due to rock bottom - very clean, on the left - a heap of stones, behind which you can hide from prying eyes, lie down on the wide stone slab and to the state of trance, listening to the sound of the surf, catching skin spray from the waves crashing on the massive stones.

Also, the attention of tourists are offered tours to scenic stalactite caves, which differ special beauty and charm.

The modern automobile track, located along the Mediterranean coast, is held in the heart of the city.

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