Villa Manin
   Photo Villa Manin

42 km from the resort town of Lignano on the Adriatic coast of Italy in the town of Villa Manin Passariano located - family residence of the last Doge of the Venetian Republic. Today, the walls of the villa is located a few art galleries with works by Tiepolo, Kandinsky, Kubera, Monet and Munch, and its vast park regularly hosts concerts.

Villa Manin - it is a whole architectural complex, built in the 16th century for the family Manin. The life of this amazing beauty of the complex has always been associated with historical and political processes surrounding area. In 1797, the year the villa housed the French troops under the command of Napoleon. Even the great leader lived here and conducted important negotiations with allies and opponents. It is at this villa was signed, putting an end to the Venetian Republic in favor of the Habsburg Empire. And that's when the decline of the family Manin, which led to the desolation of the villa in the 19th century.

Only in 1969 the building was purchased by the regional administration of Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Atrium Villa strikes all visitors with its richly decorated rooms, frescoed: "The Triumph of Spring" in the central round hall was painted by Louis Doreen. Also at the Villa Manin Museum located crews Ammunition Museum and the lovely chapel of Sant Andreu. All around the villa is a park area of ​​18 hectares with romantic Mimosa Avenue or Avenue Magnolias.

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