Church of the Trinity
   Photo: Church of the Trinity

Holy Trinity Church, located on Kirov Street near the coast - one of the attractions of the city. Most locals also call it the Holy Trinity and the Trinity Church.

From 1898 on Cape Adler temple existed Pentecost, which was demolished in 1947. The other temples in this city was not. In 1991, the Orthodox community was established, for which the decision of the executive committee of the Adler district was allocated a former building of the agency "Aeroflot". It was here, after the building was repaired, and services were held.

In July, 1993. Archbishop Isidore Yekaterinodar Kuban and blessed the beginning of the construction of the Church of the Holy Trinity, and he personally laid the first stone of the building of the future temple. Its construction ended in 1998. The authors of the project are specialists of "Ecopolis", which was engaged in the erection of the temple.

The church was consecrated in the name of the Trinity. In 1998, as the chapel was consecrated in honor of the Mother of God "All the Afflicted". The iconostasis of the main church was decorated by the artist-painter Victor Simonenko and his disciples.

Trinity Church - a one-storey brick building with a huge head on the drum of the main volume. Above the entrance portal, made in the form of an open balcony, the bell tower of the temple is topped by a large dome with a cross. On each side of the temple is decorated columns supporting the balcony Belfry. The church runs a church bench.

In front of the Church of the Trinity in the square is a beautiful arbor-rotunda.

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