House Golden Rose
   Photo: House of the Golden Rose

House Golden Rose - one of the buildings of Aachen, which have been preserved thanks to the efforts of the townspeople. Being built on an area where at one time sold the fish, initially, he had one-story form and posted the strict principles of the Renaissance, who were examined in all its form. Thus, the facade was made of a combination of brick and wood and did not stand out from the general architecture of Fischmarkt. From 1353 to 1413 the building was used as a dining room, and next to the Gothic cathedral was built.

Golden Rose House was built in the 14th century, since then he has been repeatedly destroyed - fires and war did not spare it. But every time there was an architect who restored it with precision, and in addition, makes it even more beautiful: so, in 1656, a complete reconstruction was completed after a huge fire, which burned the house almost completely. In the course of its superstructure it has been made, and the building rushed up.

Today it is a three-story building is a boutique hotel. Since 1984, the House of the Golden Rose added to the historical monuments. Many tourists, seeing the house the Golden Rose, always stop beside him, to admire the details of the facade, as well as enjoy traditional German dishes, which offers a local restaurant.

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