   Photo: Graskhaus

One of the most striking monuments Aachen - House Graskhaus or herbs - and yet at the same time is one of the oldest buildings in the city. Its construction was completed back in 1267, that in itself is impressive tourists and residents.

Originally the building was built for him in the town hall was undeveloped, and so it was. Nearby was the central area of ​​the city, serves as a place to sell the fish caught in the surrounding rivers and lakes. The main difference Graskhausa - facade in traditional Gothic style, although today the building is possible to find traces of the influence of different stylistic trends of architecture. Since 1349, when the Town Hall was moved to another building, where - in the House of Herbs - located in Aachen municipal court and then prison.

In 1686 there was a fire that destroyed the building is strong enough. However, he was soon restored. We can not say that the building suffered in the years of occupation, then it was decided to demolish it. By what miracle aahentsam managed to save it - is unknown, but in 1886 there was a reconstruction of the building, and it has acquired is the image that appears before your eyes today: the high windows, decorated pointed arches, niches under the roof with figures of Electors led by Rudolf Habsburg, that adorn the building. Ever since Graskhause located in the city archives.

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