Park Pasonanka
   Photo: Park Pasonanka

Pasonanka Park located in the same area of ​​the city of Zamboanga, also known as "Little Baguio in the south" (Baguio - is the summer capital of the Philippines). The park, laid out at a height of 500 meters above sea level and surrounded by verdant hills, is one of the main attractions of the city. According to the park runs a small calm stream, on the banks of which grew luxuriantly trees, shrubs and beautiful flowers - orchids alone 600 species are represented here! Pasonanki highlight is a huge tree, which is hidden on the top of a small hut - in this house you can even stay overnight. House was built in 1960 as a "training center for young people." Today, it is visited by thousands of tourists a year.

The construction of the park Pasonanka began in 1912 under the leadership of the governor of the island of Mindanao, John Pershing, who for these purposes, "wrote" from America's experts on landscape gardening landscaping. Today, the park has three public swimming pools - one for its size is not inferior to the Olympic pool, and the other is designed in the form of a fountain, and the third is for children. The water in the pools is constantly updated. And arranged around picnic areas and pavilions, which, however, must be booked in advance. In addition to the swimming pools in the park also has a camp for Boy Scouts from the local boys and girls and the stadium.

Another attraction is the garden Pasonanki Maria Clara Llobregat, named in honor of the former mayor of Zamboanga. In it you can see the amazing collection of beautiful flowers - orchids and roses and Butterfly House, which collected hundreds of these elegant creations of nature. It is also the aviary, which is inhabited by parrots, turkeys, eagles and other birds.

The territory Pasonanki laid excursion eco-trail lengths of 1, 8 km away, which leads to the highest point of the park - from there a beautiful view of the surrounding rain forest.

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