Zvartnots Temple
   Photo: Zvartnots Temple

Zvartnots temple - the brightest monument of Armenian architecture of the Middle Ages, located 5 km away from Echmiadzin and about 10 km to the west of the city of Yerevan. This majestic temple was built in VII Art. Like most ancient temples Armenian Zvartnots reached now only in ruins. Still, it gives a vivid picture of its majestic beauty.

The construction of the temple lasted for 20 years. The initiator of its construction was the Catholicos Nerses III the Builder. Construction of the church engaged craftsmen from the ancient city of Dvina, who were invited by Nerses III.

Temple stood for 300 years and around 930 it was destroyed by a powerful earthquake. Over time, the site of Zvartnots temple formed a large hill, where they could see the remains of the four pylons. In the twentieth century. at this point we began to conduct archaeological excavations. In 1901-1907 gg. by architect T. Toramanyan, from the age-old layer of earth were removed ruins of an ancient temple, after which he was represented by his project.

Zvartnots Temple is a round in the bottom three-tiered temple. The height of the buildings of the temple was 49 m. The church stood on the site, surrounded by partially preserved stepped pedestal. Church rested on four powerful 20-meter towers. The second tier of the temple on three sides was a through and the walls were based on six large columns. The whole composition is completing a multi-faceted high dome. The church with five inputs.

The church walls were decorated with rich mosaics and stone carving depicting vine branches of the pomegranate and geometric patterns of the finest works. Among the works of master stonecutters particularly noteworthy portrait gallery of sculptural depiction of people.

Today on the territory of Zvartnots temple opened Archaeological Museum and Preserve, where you can see models of variants of reconstruction of the church, fragments of ancient buildings, as well as well-preserved massive stone slabs on which are carved various figures, sundials, grapes and pomegranates.

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