Chapel of Our Lady of Kazan
   Photo: Chapel of Our Lady of Kazan

Yaroslavl has amazing beauty chapel, which was consecrated in honor of Our Lady of Kazan. The chapel is a tall building, resembling a rocket equipped with stained-glass partition. With regard to the location of the chapel, it is located on the shore of the river Kotorosl - right in front of the big gate at the Holy Transfiguration Monastery in the center of Yaroslavl. Opening of the monument was accompanied by a ceremony, which took place in the summer of 1997, which coincided with the date of the 385 th anniversary of the exit of Moscow militia. On the position of architect of the project was assigned GL Dainov.

History tells us that in 1612 in Nizhny Novgorod gathered a huge people's militia, which was meant to liberate Moscow from foreign invaders. After Nizhny Novgorod militia went further in the Upper Volga, and a few stopped in Yaroslavl - it is here that it has gained so much power that the city began to act as the capital of the Russian state. It is important to note that people's militia haven located in the building of Holy Transfiguration Monastery.

A memorial monument in the form of a chapel of Our Lady of Kazan was built in honor of the commemoration of the exit from the monastery walls militia Minin and Pozharsky. The building of the monastery militia passed through the Holy Gate that belonged to July 1612, after which it moved in the direction of Moscow.

On the building of the chapel there is an image of many Christian saints. Inside the chapel, namely a large plate, painted the words "From the grateful descendants of the people's militia in 1612".

The building has a rather unusual form, which is the result of the union "missiles" and tent temple. In the central part of the building housed a slender bell. Especially notable is located inside the chapel of Our Lady of Kazan icon, made in the form of extraordinarily beautiful stained-glass window; it is also located in the central part of the room. From the distant past it is known that this was the patroness saint of the Russian army.

Chapel perfectly visible even from afar.

According to the will and decree of the Mint, acting with public support, the chapel of Our Lady of Kazan was one of the most famous and revered temples in the whole of Russia, because its image is taken even in the banknote of 1000 rubles of 1997.

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