National Art Museum of the Republic of Sakha
   Photo: National Art Museum of the Republic of Sakha

National Art Museum of the Sakha Republic is one of the largest art museums in the north-eastern part of Russia. The creation of the museum was attended by such well-known public figures and statesmen like A.Sofronov, Amosov, artists and M. Nosov P. Romanov. The museum has a very rich history and uniqueness of the meeting he leads in the Far East and Siberia.

Art Museum of Sakha was founded in 1928, it served as the basis for his collection of 27 paintings by the State Tretyakov Gallery, which were donated to the country. This collection consisted of typical examples of Russian painting of the late XIX - early XX century. Particular attention among small landscape paintings deserves Levitan "Late Autumn", sketches Polenova of the Palestinian series, still life Korovin "Bouquet", two portraits - "Portrait of Helena Snegirev" V. Makovsky and "Lady in Black" K. Makovsky.

In 1946, Hall was transformed into a picture Yakut Museum of Fine Arts, and in 1992 it was included in the list of national and cultural heritage of the country. In 1995 he passed the transformation of the Republican Museum of Fine Arts. Gabysheva the State Museum Complex "National Art Museum of Sakha Republic" with the functions of the organizational-methodical, scientific-research and educational center of all the museums and galleries of art profile, located on the territory of the republic. In 1997, NAM received PC membership in International Council of Museums.

Today the museum has more than 12 thousand. Pieces, which include the collection of the Yakut, Russian and foreign art XVI - XXI Art. The museum exhibition includes such sections as: "The domestic art of the twentieth century.", "The Art of Yakutia 1920-2000 gg.", "Graphics of Yakutia", "Russian art XVIII - XIX Art." Yakut folk and decorative arts "and "Western European art XVI-XIX Art.".

The special pride of the museum - a priceless collection of carved ivory nineteenth and twentieth century., Is a unique cultural phenomenon.

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