Mammoth Museum
   Photo: Mammoth Museum

Mammoth Museum in Yakutsk - the world's only specialized museum, studying and exposed the unique paleontological exhibits. The museum was founded in 1991 as a scientific and cultural center, which has been studying mammoths and their habitats in the Ice Age. The main initiator of the museum made the first Yakut mamontolog Peter A. Lazarev.

During the archaeological excavations in the bowels of Yakutia, archaeologists have discovered the unique finds - cave lions, mammoths, bison, woolly rhinoceros, musk ox and other extinct animals. Before the foundation of the museum most of the fossil animals immediately sent to the central institutions of the largest cities in the country. Create Mammoth Museum has made it possible to carry out all necessary studies and to leave them deposited directly in the city of Yakutsk.

In July 1998, the museum became part of the Institute of Applied Ecology of the North, Academy of Sciences of Sakha (Yakutia). And since 2011 it has become a structural subdivision of a new North-Eastern Federal University named after MV Ammosova, occupying one of the rooms of the University.

Among the many stands, you can see a copy of a famous baby mammoth Dima, found in 1977 in the upper reaches of the Kolyma River. To date, this exhibit is located in St. Petersburg. For a short time the museum was able to assemble a large collection of fossil remains of animals of the mammoth fauna. At present, the skeletal collections of the Museum of Mammoth there are 1450 units.

Mammoth Museum is one of the most interesting museums in the city. The museum is the fruitful cooperation with highly qualified specialists from Germany, France, Japan and the UK. Organized numerous expeditions and conduct joint research.

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