The island Koversada
   Photo: The Island Koversada

Koversada - a small island in the Adriatic Sea, made famous by the eponymous resort. From Vrsar Island removed at 1, 5 kilometers and is the nearest large town.

The whole history of the island is somehow connected to the aforementioned resort because it is the oldest holiday destination in Europe and beyond. For all those who are attracted to nudism, Koversada is one of its kind the most popular holiday destination on the coast of the Adriatic.

Park Koversada appeared in 1961, as this period is settled in small groups of people for whom vacation is inextricably linked with the proximity to nature. Gradually recreation area began to grow and occupied the nearby mainland to the island territory, thus achieving Lim Channel - namely, its southern shore.

Today, the natural park Koversada - an excellent resort, a total area of ​​about one hundred hectares, and the coastline is five kilometers away. There is also a sandy beach, which is geographically situated on the nearby peninsula of Istria, which covers the mouth of the Lim Fjord. Along the road the band grow willow, olive and pine trees.

For the rest there are numerous restaurants (some can go in the nude), golf lessons all sorts of sports. At the same time the resort can take no more than 6 thousand guests.

The island beaches have been awarded Blue Flag - a sign of the purity of the water area and the coastal territory.

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