Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin in Sare
   Photo: Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin in Sare

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin in Sare - now known as Saryansky church dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The magnificent neo-Gothic church was built by the architect Gustave Mine in 1857.

Come see the sights tourists are amazed looking to the sky red beautiful fairy's Church - the present Gothic style in the middle of an ordinary Belarusian village. It is called the red crystal or stone body, because a strong wind solitary standing tall building carved issue mournful howl.

Red Church - a monument of touching, sad and faithful love. It was built by the inconsolable widower Ignatius Lopatinsky - the son of a wealthy noble family, in memory of the prematurely deceased (in childbirth), the young beloved wife Mary.

The long-suffering Belarus has never abated sectarian war. In those days, the power belonged to the Orthodox. During the construction of the Catholic church could go straight to Siberia. Ignatius Lopatinskii lucky - royal officials considered it abnormal to have decided that he lost his mind with grief. Did someone come to mind to build a temple right in the cemetery? Widow also explained its intention to erect a monument to desire his beloved wife.

Inconsolable Pan Lopatinskii not only managed to finish and consecrate the temple, but also to build a very beautiful park around the cemetery. However, the authorities told the envious and the beautiful church was forcibly transferred to the Orthodox Church called the Church of the Resurrection.

During Soviet times the temple, and all used to store fertilizer, and then going to make it a two-story pleasure institution. Ironically, the war spared a fine Gothic monument, but the former wealthy estates Łapacinski was only one Gate.

In our time, at the initiative of the local collective farm director Vladimir Skrobova it was made partial restoration of the church. In 1989 the church was returned to the Orthodox Church and consecrated as the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

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