National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia
   Photo: National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia

Not far from Vigo, in the impressive skeletons, it is a unique natural park in Spain - National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia. Park area of ​​1194 sq 8. km. It occupies four islands - Cieza, Salvora, Ons and cortegada. Park is the tenth most visited park in Spain and the only national park in the territory of Galicia.

Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia is a totally unique ecosystem with rare now representatives of flora and fauna. It is home to a large number of rare birds belonging to endangered species in the waters washing the island is home to many dolphins. Ocean water of this area are also rich in shellfish, sea anemones, corals and algae, there are more than two hundred species.

The islands have been found traces of human activity that apply to the Iron Age. Also during excavations were found ceramic objects belonging to the times of the Roman Empire, religious orders and other religious artifacts of the Middle Ages.

The National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia can be reached by cruise ship from Vigo. With the ship offers magnificent views of the fishing towns along the coast. On the islands visitors are invited to choose one of the hiking trails are laid, during which the tourists will enjoy the surrounding nature and spectacular views of the neighboring islands and the water surface of the ocean. The territory of the island is a protected area, it is forbidden to feed the birds and fish, as well as go to the paved paths.

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