Olympic Theatre
   Photo: Olympic Theatre

Olympic Theatre - the oldest active indoor theater in the world, located in Vicenza. It was built in 1580-1585-th years by the architect Andrea Palladio and became his latest creation. Unusual decor scene made in the technique trompleya on the idea of ​​the architect Vincenzo Scamozzi, who finishing work after the death of Palladio theater. Today, it is the world's oldest theatrical scenery, still used in the productions. In 1994, the Olympic Theatre was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

As mentioned above, the theater was the last great project of Palladio, who returned to his hometown in 1579, the year, bringing with him invaluable experience - throughout his life, he studied architecture of ancient Rome .  By the time the architect, the former founder of the Olympic Academy, has already built a number of provisional houses in Vicenza .  And in 1579, the year the Academy received permission for the construction of a permanent theater on the site of an ancient fortress Castello del territory, which was used as a prison and powder magazine before coming into decline .  Palladio enthusiastically took up the creation of the project - he was going to build a replica of an ancient Roman theater, but just six months after construction began, he died .  Work on the theater first by his son Silla, and then it started another outstanding architect - Vincenzo Scamozzi .  It was based on drawings by Palladio, but introduced and some of its elements - such as halls and Odeo Antiodeo and archway leading through the old medieval walls of the courtyard of the fortress .  And, of course, do not forget that it was the author of the famous Scamozzi scenery scene . 

Olympic Theatre was inaugurated in 1585, the year, but after a few performances, he was abandoned. This scenery created for the first play - "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles, never left the walls of the theater - miraculously, they have not suffered during the bombing of the city during World War II and other vicissitudes of history. Established Scamozzi lighting system has also been used only a few times because of its high cost. Today, on the stage of the Olympic Theatre stage plays and musical performances, but the capacity of the theater is limited to just 400 spectators - in order to preserve the architectural monument. In this theater only two seasons - spring and autumn. Winter and summer theater closed as there is no heating system and air conditioning, so as not to damage the delicate wooden structures.

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