Sophia Cathedral
   Photo: St. Sophia Cathedral

St. Sophia Cathedral Novgorod - famous monument of ancient Russian architecture. The value of this Council in the life of ancient Novgorod was great. The independence of the Novgorod Sophia was the symbolism of the free city of Novgorod.

In 1045 it happens laying of Holy Wisdom, where there arrived from Kiev to Novgorod, Yaroslav the Wise with the princess. The cathedral was built before 1050. His consecrated Bishop Luke, with data of different chronicles indicate that the event happened in 1050 - 1052 years.

Temple crown five domes, which in ancient times covered with lead sheets .  The central dome was lined with gilded copper in the fifteenth century .  Makovytsya in the form of ancient helmets .  The walls were not whitewashed, with the exception of the apses and drums, and covered tsemyankoy (natural paint) .  Inside, the walls are not painted, vaults are covered with frescoes .  Registration determine the impact of the architecture of Constantinople .  Wall marble combined with mosaic ornaments vaults .  Later, in 1151, he replaced the marble limestone and mosaic - murals .  The cathedral was first painted in 1109 .  From medieval frescoes were fragments of the central dome and painted in Martirevskoy porch "Constantine and Elena" .  There is a version that it could become the basis of the image mosaics, murals are made as quite diluted paints .  Fresco main dome "Pantocrator" destroyed during the war .  The main painting dates from the XIX century .  In the southern gallery known burial outstanding Novgorod - bishops, princes, posadniks .

In the temple, you can enter through the north door. During the service, Archbishop opens the main - the Western gate. The western portal mounted bronze gates, made in Romanesque style, with many sculptures and reliefs. They were made in Magdeburg in the XII century, and in the same century came to Novgorod from Sweden as a war trophy.

With the construction of the temple of Novgorod imbued him special treatment. "Where Sophia, there Novgorod", - says a resident. This idea was developed in the XV century when the five domes gilded central dome, and put the cross on his leaden dove, symbolizing the Holy Spirit. The legend says that Ivan the Terrible in 1570 to cost cruel Novgorod. At this time, Sophia sat cross dove. He froze in horror when he saw from the height of a terrible massacre. After the Virgin opened one monk that God sent to comfort a city pigeon, and as long as the dove fly down from the cross - means of protecting the city from above.

In ancient times, the cathedral was the altar barrier. In it were handed down to us: "The Apostles Peter and Paul" and "Christ on the throne» XI - XII centuries. The Council in XIV-XVI centuries have established a high iconostasis. The silvery reflections of salaries, colorful brightness Christmas icons and iconography of the Assumption attract the eye, raising it to the height of the dome and vaults.

The architectural structure of the Novgorod Sophia Cathedral completely. Kiev and Byzantine architects, vozvedshego it passed in the XI century through the main building of the essence of the character of the city of Novgorod: the enormity of the thought of the church and its spiritual power. Hagia Sophia Novgorod differs from its predecessor - the Cathedral in Kiev - the rigor of shapes and compact volumes. Cathedral length of 27 m, a width of 24, 8 m; with galleries of 34, 5 m, width 39 m 3. The total height of the ancient floor to the center of the cross head - 38 m. The walls of a thickness of 1, 2 m made of limestone of different colors. Stones are not hewn, and fastened with a solution of lime and pounded brick impurities. Arches, their bridges and arches lined with bricks.

The cathedral keeps an icon of the Mother of God "The Omen" in 1170. Icon defended Novgorod against attack cuzdalskogo Prince Andrew. For Novgorod the event was very significant, it was even established a special rite for the celebration.

In 1929 the cathedral was closed and opened it in a museum. It presents the treasures of the sacristy. During the occupation of the temple looted and damaged. After the war, it was restored and made Novgorod department of the museum. In 1991 the Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church passed. Patriarch Alexy II made his consecration August 16th, 1991. In 2005-2007, restored dome of the Cathedral.

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