   Photo: Bussola

Bussola - a mountain village located in the Italian Val di Susa on the river Dora Riparia. According to some historians, the name comes from the word "buksus" - "the drawer, a box," while others believe that it comes from the name of the local family Bussulus, which appears in the documents. The municipality Bussol consists of several settlements lying at an altitude of 430 to 2852 meters above sea level. This whole area is known for its stone quarries, deposits of green marble and iron ore.

The old part of the compass needle, whose history begins in the Middle Ages, attracts attention with its distinctive buildings such as Askeri home or small restaurant "Antica Osteria". In the era of Ancient Rome was located on these lands is an important town, surrounded by several "villas" - huge farms. These buildings were used until the Middle Ages and the 10th century began a new stage in the development of the compass needle. In the 11th century, the town became a fief of the House of Savoy, and three centuries later was surrounded by strong walls with three gates. Then the compass needle passed from hand to hand, changing owners some aristocrats to others - among them local family and Rotary Askeri. In the 17th century the town was handed over to the local doctor Francesco Fioketto in gratitude for his invaluable assistance during the plague.

In the second half of the 19th century there was a qualitative leap in the development of the urban economy with the construction of the railway. Initially it connected with Torino Souza, and later was extended to the French territory. Thus Bussol turned into a major commercial and economic point. His role in this was played and the construction of several factories that operate to this day. It is important for the local economy remains the mining industry.

From sights it is worth noting Bussol parish church of San Giovanni Battista of the 18th century and the ancient Santa Maria Assunta, rebuilt in the 18th century in the Baroque style and remarkable wooden crucifix from the 15th century. In the chapel of Our Lady of Mercy preserved frescoes. Do not bypass the attention of tourists and their so-called Castle Borelli - all that remains of the city walls of the 14th century. Also worth seeing Renaissance castle Castello di Allais, Railroad Museum, located in the present railway station, where there are old trains, locomotives and electric locomotives and historic homes and Askeri Amprimo built in the Middle Ages.

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