The geological outcrop "White Mountain" in Plavsk
   Photo: geological outcrop "White Mountain" in Plavsk

Exposure of "White Mountain" - is an active geological natural monument of regional significance. It located in Plavsky area on the northwestern outskirts of Plavsk, on the left bank afloat.

The total area of ​​the geological object is 2, 5 hectares. It has great scientific importance as a geological structure that shows the stratigraphic section Malevsky and Ozersk-Khovanskys carbon deposits. Exposure of "White Mountain" - is a valuable biological object containing community north meadow northern steppe with characteristic rare species of animals and plants.

"White Mountain", how to attract the attention of a natural object, has been known since the early 20th century and is mentioned by Rosen VV in its "List of plants found in the province of Tula until 1916". In 2003, it was conducted soil-botanical research facility eoologicheskie. The fauna of insects studied L.B. Bolshakov, Y. Dorofeev, flora - IS Sheremetyevo.

Natural Monument is located in the center of Chernozem Tula region and lies at the basis of the left slope of the river native afloat in her sharp bend .  Soils are natural monument presented leached chernozem .  On the steep slopes of the intensive wash topsoil is missing or underdeveloped .  Most of the slope occupied northern steppe plant communities .  On the limestone outcrops developed calciphilic dominated communities sharp stonecrop, thyme and other Marshall .  Here there are about 168 species of plants, including rare and listed in the Red Book of the field: anthericum ramosum, Adonis spring (Adonis), istoda Siberian iris leafless, feather hair-worm, gypsophila highest, feather grass, flax yellow mullein purple, Echinops ordinary, spirea crenate, onions yellowing, hairy oxytrope .  Entomofauna natural monument is represented by 372 species of Lepidoptera and dozens of representatives of other groups .  Copper-butterfly Alkon is included in the Red Book of the IUCN (World Conservation Union) .

On the territory of the natural monument prohibited from kamnerazrabotki; alter the hydrological regime of the river swimming, which can threaten flooding of exposure; arrange corrals.

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