Zelenikovsky Monastery
   Photo: Zelenikovsky Monastery

Zelenikovsky Monastery of St. John the Baptist - is an active Orthodox monastery, situated in the Balkan Mountains in a place called Zelenikovets. Near the monastery is the town of Troyan and 5 kilometers to the south - the village of Cherni Osam.

The monastery was founded in 1832 Partenen - the abbot of the monastery Trojan. Unfortunately, soon after the building was severely damaged by fire, and during the April Uprising in 1876 during the persecution of the revolutionary group of Philip Totyu Turkish troops destroyed the monastery. In its current form, the monastery was restored in 1913, and a year later there was a solemn consecration of the local church.

The monastery complex consists of an Orthodox church and a few outbuildings and residential buildings, the oldest of which dates to 1872. The church is a nave with an apse psevdobaziliku, open porch and bell tower above it. The interior space of the church is decorated with wall paintings with traditional Bulgarian churches images of Jesus, the Virgin Mary and saints. Of special interest is a carved wooden iconostasis master Philip of Macedonia - Representative Debarskoy school.

On the site, which is located Zelenikovsky monastery, beautiful views of the two peaks of the Balkan Mountains - Golyam Kupen and Ambaritsa.

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