Trakai Park
   Photo: Trakai Park

Trakai Park covers 8,200 hectares and shakes his extraordinary beauty. Structurally, the park is divided into several parts: the ornithological reserve, three hydrographic, two protected areas (old fort in Trakai and Trakai Castle) and the reserve for Trakai. In the park you can see dozens of objects that are monuments of nature and history. It is this park like no one else can tell you the history of Lithuania in the past. Of course, first of all this is possible thanks to the old buildings (about 50), which are located within the park. Harmoniously combining the past, present and future of the National Park in Lithuania, started to operate in 1991.

At the center of the park stands the town of Trakai, it is located 27 kilometers from Vilnius. The city is surrounded on all sides by lakes and has a unique atmosphere created by local landscapes. In Trakai constantly conducted archaeological excavations and found more than a thousand artifacts, and plans to open more values. In the city there are many monuments such as the Karaites Eastern culture, among them the house of worship kariamov.

Around Trakai is established in the 14th century, a system of locks, the most popular of these is the "Peninsular Castle", located on poluostrovke between two lakes Luka and Galve. It was built in the 14th century when the Grand Duke Kęstutis, having served to the owners of 1655. We unfortunately only got to the ruins of the castle, close to the ones you can find the ruins of the Dominican convent.

Lake Galve is one of the most unique, it is about 20 islands, one of which is built Trakai Island Castle, the only one in Central Europe. Today the castle restored by the schemes that have been found by archaeologists. The castle complex includes a special building, separated from the main building by a moat and a defensive wall. In the 15th century, the castle arranged lavish receptions and fun and celebrations, and today the castle halls filled with foreign tourists who wish to learn more about Lithuania. Inside the castle is a museum with 11 rooms, among the exhibits you can find a collection of ancient princes and handicrafts.

Trakai lake in the park, you can not only admire, but also to arrange with them a picnic, swim and fish. In the campsite you can find accommodation.

Most of the park is covered by forests, so in addition to the lakes and the beautiful architecture of the city of Trakai in the park you can enjoy a stroll through the woods. The park is surrounded by several of diverse forests, the oldest of them Varnika forest. His uniqueness and beauty will amaze Uzutrakis Park, situated on 50 hectares. One of the main attractions of the park is the Palace Uzutrakis with the adjacent park in French style. This palace was in the possession of the Tyszkiewicz family until 1939, and it was built in 1990, on the southeast shore of Lake Chapter.

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