Town Hall
   Photo: City Hall

Town Hall - Gothic building, located at the old market in Torun. City Hall, built in the late thirteenth century, is one of the best examples of medieval architecture in central Europe.

For centuries, the Town Hall was the most famous secular buildings of Torun, where the focus of commercial and political life of the city. In the main hall housed the Town Court. Also in the Town Hall stopped the Polish kings and famous politicians. The building has witnessed important historical events: in 1454, after the Polish king received the oath of allegiance from the representatives of Prussia, in 1645 at the initiative of King Władysław IV is an important meeting between Catholics and Protestants (colloquium Charitativum).

At the end of the thirteenth century Town Hall consisted of two long parallel buildings. The current shape of the building is largely due to large-scale construction projects, conducted in 1391-1399, respectively. Then they destroyed the old commercial buildings and administrative, commercial and judicial systems were merged into one building, which was a unique solution for Europe at that time. City Hall in the form of four buildings combined with an inner courtyard, had a rectangular shape with dimensions of 44 by 52 meters.

At the beginning of the seventeenth century with the participation of the Dutch architect Antonin van Obbergena the Town Hall was built on an additional floor, and the building received a Gothic forms. The first floor has a new interior with decoration, on which the artist worked Anton Moller. All the paintings were destroyed during the siege by the Swedes in 1703.

In 1957-1964 he was a major overhaul of the building to adapt it to the needs of the museum. The most important were the efforts to strengthen the walls and ceilings, the restoration of the interior, the discovery of some architectural elements of medieval, walled at a later time.

Today at City Hall is working the main branch of the regional museum. On the first floor of the east wing of the collection of works of Gothic art, mainly from Torun and Silesia. Especially valuable is the collection of Gothic stained glass collected in various churches. In the west wing of the exhibited collection of arts and crafts Torun. The second floor is used for temporary exhibitions.

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