The old town of Torun
   Photo: Old city of Torun

The old town of Torun is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Here are preserved unique architectural monuments, such as the Town Hall, the home of Copernicus and medieval buildings, built in the Gothic style. The old town of Torun river and separated by a moat and partially extant city walls.

The oldest part of the Old Town was founded in 1236 and was called Bremen. This happened when the Teutonic Order began the construction of a fortress with a view to the Christianization of Prussia. The settlement quickly emerged at the walls of the castle, was called Torun. After joining the Hanseatic League town in Torun began a period of rapid economic growth and social development.

Prior to its current size of the old town was expanded in 1252-1259, respectively. In the center is the Old Town Square to the Town Hall and in the north-western part of the territory is a former convent of the Franciscan Order, the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary. South-western part is occupied by the Baroque Church of the Holy Spirit.

The southern part of the Old City is divided into equal rectangular blocks with wide streets leading to the promenade along the Vistula River. The first brick houses appeared here at the end of the thirteenth century. In the period from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century building rebuilt in a modern style of Baroque, Renaissance and Classicism.

Significant damage to the Old Town was caused by shelling during the siege by the Swedes in 1703. Many buildings were burned and reduced to rubble. The biggest change in the appearance of the old city occurred during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Then there were the medieval buildings demolished, and in their place were built new. Many of the surviving buildings have been converted into apartment, thereby losing its historic interior look. At the time, it was razed much of the city walls with towers and gates.

Extensive restoration work began after 1945. Today, the old town, no doubt, is a major gem Torun.

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