The monastery gates
   Photo: The monastery gates

Monastery gate - the gate, also known as the Gate of the Holy Spirit, were built in the fourteenth century as one of the three gates of the medieval Torun. Despite minor reconstruction, the gate to this day have kept the original shape of a Gothic tower with three pointed arches.

The construction of fortifications in Torun began in the middle of the thirteenth century, after the invasion of Svyatopolk in 1241. Brick medieval walls were built about 50 years of the thirteenth century. Then began the construction of defensive towers, which were built only 33, and the gate of the city, among which were the monastery gate.

The gate was built in Flemish Gothic style in the first half of the fourteenth century. The development of military equipment, especially firearms, caused the strengthening of the gates, which were held in 1420. Arched recesses have been made on the outer side of the gate, in addition, the holes were built, of which the city during the attack defenders could showering attackers with boiling water, oil or resin. The monastery gates were fitted with sturdy wooden doors with metal parts that were mounted in the holes and, if necessary, completely blocked the door.

In the nineteenth century the monastery gate have lost their defensive function. In the interwar period it housed the first Polish officer school of the Navy. Today, this fact reminds powerful anchor located on the boulevard between the gate and the Vistula.

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