Old Market Square
   Picture: Old Market Square

Old Market Square - the main city square Torun, planted between 1252 and 1259 years. In architectural terms Torun - not exactly a typical medieval town. Until the unification of the Old Market with New Market in the city at the same time, there were two main areas.

Beginning in 1259, in the old market began to appear different buildings .  At the end of the thirteenth century it was built the Old Town Hall - a vivid example of the architecture of medieval Europe .  In addition to the administrative functions of the Town Hall it is also the trading platform .  There are shops located shoemakers, weavers, was trade in food and bread .  The building is in the style of "brick gothic" during its existence, it has undergone several stages of restructuring .  In the eighteenth century Town Hall acquired Baroque appearance .  The current form of the Town Hall is largely due to large-scale construction projects in the years 1391-1399 .  Then they destroyed the old commercial buildings and administrative, commercial and judicial systems were merged into one building, which was a unique solution for Europe at that time .  City Hall in the form of four buildings combined with an inner courtyard, had a rectangular shape with dimensions of 44 by 52 meters .  Today it is a museum .  Before the town hall on the square is a monument to Nicholas Copernicus .

Life on the Old Market are always boiled. Here, read out a royal decree passed festivals, staged executions, executions of punishment in the pillory. Today, the area is concentrated several important city's attractions Arthur's Court, Star House, Church of the Holy Spirit, as well as the old post office building.

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