Leaning Tower of Pisa
   Photo: Leaning Tower of Pisa

Leaning Tower - an element of medieval fortifications, which got its name because of a significant deviation from the vertical - 1, 46 m.

The tower was built in the second half of the thirteenth century. It was square at the base of a 15-meter Bastion, built in the town walls. The defensive tower was clockwise, and through special holes made in the wall, in case of attack, the enemy poured boiling water or gum.

Because of cleaning the soil or technological errors in the design of the tower will soon significantly deviated from the vertical. Many people regarded the incident as a divine punishment for "blasphemous" discovery of Copernicus. Rumors spread throughout Europe and came to Rome, where the news of the tower has become the main argument in favor of making the work of Copernicus in the list of forbidden books.

With the emergence of one of the towers associated urban legends. In the twelfth century, one of the knights of the Teutonic Order fell in love with a young girl. They met secretly at night and walked around the city. When they had seen residents insidious rumors have spread quickly through the city. Both lovers were punished. Knight was ordered to build a tower as a symbol of the curve deviation from the rules of the church. Leaning Tower, and to this day is a symbol of sin. Everyone can now test yourself. To do this, you need to stand up against the sloping wall, pull your hands and try to survive in this situation. The one who can do that - without sin.

With the development of artillery, the need for defensive towers disappeared. In the eighteenth century, the Tower of Pisa was open prison for women, and a century later it was turned into a forge and a home for gunsmith.

Today, the Tower of Pisa is a cafe and gift shop. The building is an important landmark of the Old City.

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