Ethnographical museum
   Photo: Ethnographic Museum

Ethnographic Museum - Museum based in Torun in 1959. In 1999 the museum was named in honor of the Polish ethnographer and founder of the museum of Mary Znamiroskoy-Prufferovey.

The museum began its activities January 1, 1959. The exhibition took place at Arsenal - one of the defensive structures of the fortress Torun, built in 1824. Ethnographic Museum settled there after its separation from the city museum, which exists since 1946. Over the years, the museum led by prominent figures of Polish ethnology: Roderick Lange, John Rompski Alexander Blachovsky and many others.

Currently, the museum houses a permanent exhibition "Secrets of everyday life. People's Culture 1850-1950 ", which was opened to the public in early 2010. The exhibition tells about the daily life of the inhabitants of several ethnographic regions, in particular: Paluki, Kashubian, Chelmno, it is divided into several sections: crafts, architecture, history and rural sociology, folklore.

In 2012, the museum's collection includes more than 60,000 exhibits. The museum collects documentary materials in the field of ethnography, ethnology and related fields: Polish culture abroad, the history of ethnic and religious minorities.

The museum operates an ethnographic park, where exhibits of rural architecture. Here you can see farm buildings, windmills and water mills, furniture.

Ethnographic Museum is actively involved in publishing activities. It publishes scientific articles and results of various studies.

Unfortunately, 30 April 2004, the museum had a strong fire, burned three wooden houses.

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