Alexander Garden
   Photo: Alexander Garden

This historic garden - a favorite spot, not only indigenous inhabitants of St. Petersburg, but also the guests of the northern capital. It is located in the city center, next to the Admiralty. Its area - 9 ha. At this historic site, though, it runs parallel between the present and the past of the city. Nearby monuments: the Admiralty, the Winter Palace, Palace Square, the city government / Cheka house Lobanov-Rostovsky, the General Staff, St. Isaac's Cathedral, the building of the Senate and Synod. Crowns Garden Bronze Horseman - monument to Peter I. Alexander Garden - Pearl of St. Petersburg is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

In the 18th century on the site of the Alexander Garden was boulevard, then already there were benches and trees. Admiral SA Greig has proposed to arrange a garden nerd EL Regel developed a landscaping project. Home work was timed to the anniversary - the 200th anniversary of the city's founder - Peter I. For 2 years was carried out huge work: expand the territory, planted new shrubs and trees, wrought iron benches placed in cast iron. In 1874 the garden was inaugurated, named in honor of Emperor Alexander II, who was personally present at the ceremony.

After 6 years, the center of the garden decorated with a unique fountain, which is one of the most striking sights of St. Petersburg. Construction architect L. geschwenda called "dancing": the beat of the music changes the height of the jet.

In the late 19th century in the Alexander Garden to erect a monument of M. Lermontov, Nikolai Gogol, Mikhail Glinka, V. Zhukovsky and N. Przhevalsky.

Reconstruction of the Alexander Garden, which was produced later by the architect I. Fomin, little has changed the appearance of the garden: were cut down overgrown trees and flower beds and rose gardens give the garden a unique charm and color.

During the Great Patriotic War, St. Petersburg kept all the trees, but the enemy air raids caused significant damage to the garden. But after the lifting of the blockade of Leningrad is started improvement works.

Unfortunately, in the years of Soviet power, the garden is not just renamed. In 1920 he was named the garden workers. In 1936, the Garden Workers began to wear the name of Maxim Gorky. Later, the garden got the name "Sashka's garden." The older generation so christened this place. In the era of perestroika in 1989, the garden becomes the Admiralty, and only in 1997 he returned to the old name - Alexander.

In 1998, the anniversary of the famous Russian diplomat Prince Alexander Gorchakov (200th anniversary of his birth) in the Alexander Garden was his bust. Author Sculpture - Sculptor AS Charkin.

In 2001 began the restoration of the garden. The fact that the original Petrine fencing required urgent remedial measures, many trees are required filing. But not only have been carried out this work, according to a single plan Alexandrovsky Garden was transformed. Green garden furniture complemented trees and shrubs, flower beds and lawns were new tracks laid drainage. Thoughtful landscaping made the garden a single ensemble.

Modern Alexander Garden - a place where various festivals and competitions, including the international level. In 2007, the limits of I International festival of colors, is laid out like a carpet of flower arrangements. As part of this major event held master classes, "Ball of Flowers", the exhibition of ornamental plants, flowers, garden accessories, children's competitions.

At any time, this historic landmark is beautiful, and there try to visit all the guests of the northern capital.

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