Fortress St. Nicholas
   Photo: Fort St.. Nicholas

Fortress of St. Nicholas is located on a small island, it was built in the XVI century to protect the town from attack by sea. To get to the castle is not so easy, but it's worth it.

The road to it passes through the small village Zablace, on the road to the village you will find a small lake, located in a picturesque location. At the end of the route will take you to the sea, where everyone will be able to swim.

To get into the fortress itself need to go several water bridges and a small island. The jumper is located between the shore and the island - the most difficult part of the journey. Here you have to change the shoes, because crossing of the river in the month of June will be ankle-deep in water. The bottom of this place is strewn with sharp stones and quite slippery. Usually tourists are warned of the need to take extra shoes. For this purpose, perfectly suited rubber sandals and special shoes for swimming.

The island where the ruins of various military facilities in the length of about one hundred meters, it is completely covered with pine trees in whose shade and hiding the remains of buildings. After seeing the ruins, you can relax in the shade of pines and enjoy the warm sea breeze. A second bridge between the fortress and the island rather quickly overcome, there is practically no water, you can move on the large stones. Then you will just have to climb the hill and see the fortress of St. Nicholas.

The fortress was built of white stone, on top of a hill survived several military buildings. You can explore the castle from below. The central fortress wall is decorated with white stone on her preserved columns with carvings and various architectural elements. Also, tourists have the opportunity to climb to the roof of the fortress and explore the local beauty from above.

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