   Photo: Vygozero

Vygozero or Vygozerskoe reservoir - it is the largest freshwater lake in the Karelian republic after the Onega and Ladoga lakes. On the map Vygozero can be seen in the form of blue spots with highly indented coastline, which forms numerous bays and capes. The lake at the moment is 1159 square meters. km, but to the creation of the reservoir area it occupies less than the almost two-fold.

Increasing the size of the lake has been reached in the construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal, so that the water level in the reservoir rose to 7 m, which led to the flooding of coastal areas, thus greatly changing the hydrological regime of the lake. On the flooded area has received a huge amount of mineral and organic substances surfaced moors, grassy and woody debris, soil is eroded. Were displaced fishing areas have changed habitats of many animals and birds inhabiting the coastal areas. Vygozero elongated in the direction from the northwest to the southeast and is divided into large bays and separate areas.

Vygozerskoe deep reservoir can not be called, because its average depth is 6 m 2; maximum - 24 m. The lake runs several large tributaries - Squeeze, Upper Vig, Onda, Segezha; It follows the river from Lake Nordic Vig. In addition, across the lake scattered a considerable number of islands. Previously it was thought that the lake about "many islands as there are days in a year" - 529, but in fact the number of islands - 259 and they cover an area of ​​126 square kilometers in The highest them being the northern part of the reservoir.

With regard to the coastal territory, for the most part it is stony and stony-sandy beaches. Over the lofty coast typical for northern areas Vygozero, but in the southern regions dominated by low banks. On the coast there are places almost completely swamped, but mostly the coastal area is covered by forest.

Due to the fact that Vygozero is a shallow pond in the autumn, you can watch the rapid cooling of the water, and in the summer especially lake water warms up quickly. Naturally, in the southern part Vygozero all processes is intense. Opening of the lake takes place in mid-May, but freezing occurs quite a long time - almost the whole of November.

Water reservoir differs considerable content of humic substances; Vygozero northern part of the waste is exposed to pulp and paper mill.

In Vygozerskom reservoir has 11 species of fish: whitefish, salmon, whitefish, pike, perch, bream, pike, roach, ruff, burbot and ide. There are several types and perch: a slow-growing, small and large, who lives in the deep waters of the lake. Places particular kind of mass gathering of large perch are in the south-west, near the island Sigovets in Torkova lips, and Puksha Monoruba. Spawning takes place at ludas. The lake is possible to find instances that reach the weight of 600 grams. The lake is especially a lot of bass. Roach is more prevalent in the south-west and southern regions of the island and the lake. In the lake there are two groups of whitefish presented lake and lake-river representatives. Special popularity has vozhminsky whitefish, which is to reach 10 years of life the weight of 1 kg.

As already mentioned, on the banks of Vygozero acts Segezha Pulp and Paper Mill, which greatly affects the quality and purity of the water, and thus the fish. All quantities of fish that were caught in the nearby vicinity of the city of Segezha has sustained odor. As the distance from the town, at a distance of 4-5 km from it, the smell fades, and the meat of the fish caught is quite suitable for consumption. During the flooding lake water has absorbed an incredible amount of surrounding forests. In this part of snags usual large variety of fish, which primarily relates perch. In summer, the reservoir is rich in burbot, bream, whitefish, roach, perch and pike.

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