The building of the Azov-Don Bank
   Photo: The building of the Azov-Don Bank

The only building in Saratov, designed by prominent architect Johann Petersburg Lidval for the Azov-Don Bank, was built in 1913 on the street Alexander (now the street. Gorky). The building is high, two-story windows and poor stucco was made in newfangled at the time the Art Nouveau style and is considered one of the best architectural ornaments of the city.

At the end of the nineteenth century began to work in Saratov branch of the Azov-Don Commercial Bank, first in the house of merchant I.N.Hudobina on Moscow Street. In 1911 Alexander Street was purchased for the construction of a place specially designed buildings and in 1913 the bank began its activities in the area. The bank was founded in 1871 in Taganrog (in 1903 he became a St. Petersburg), and in the Russian banks by the financial indicators ranked third with strong commercial ties with the French and British financial circles. In Saratov branch of banks to lend mainly grain trade.

Bank building with a strict facade and two rows of windows operating room with the advent of Soviet power continued to be noticeable architectural structure with originally laid down in its functions - for many years in the four-storey building housed the Central Savings Bank, now a branch of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation.

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