   Photo: Zoo

The Chilean National Zoo is the largest zoo in the country. It is located on the slopes of San Cristobal in the Park Metropolitano de Santiago. The main direction of the National Zoological Gardens is the preservation and study of species in it, as well as entertainment and leisure visitors.

In 1875 it was made a temporary exhibition of exotic animals in the territory of the city park, known as the Quinta Normal. Then came the first idea of ​​building a zoo. In 1882, professor Julio Bernard opened the first zoo in the same Quinta Normal. Twenty years later, in Concepción (near Santiago), professor and entomologist Charles Reed founded the zoo, which housed the local fauna.

In 1921, the mayor of Santiago Alberto Mackenna with Professor Charles Reed launched a campaign to raise funds and to find land on which to stay the National Zoological Gardens. As a result of these efforts, in 1925 Chilean President Arturo Alessandri Palma has signed a decree by which it has been allocated 4, 8 hectares of land in the hills of San Cristobal for the construction of the zoo.

Three months later, several species of native species have been transferred to the new zoo of Quinta Normal, and another 70 animals were delivered via the Trans-Andinskuyu railroad from Zoo Mendoza and Buenos Aires (Argentina). The National Zoo was officially opened by Vice President Luis Barros Borgono 12 December 1925. The first director of the zoo was Charles Reid. Vice President climbed by cable car to the middle station, and then toured the facilities, which were built with the assistance of the architect Teodoro Panuzzisa two months.

Who is the National Zoo of Chile covers an area of ​​4, 8 hectares and has more than 1,000 animals 158 species, among them 24% of mammals and 37% birds are representatives of the local fauna.

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