The church of Alexander Nevsky
   Photo: Alexander Nevsky Church

Church of St. Alexander Nevsky is located on a beautiful location high. Temple amazingly beautiful, because its walls are literally blinding snow-white color, for which reason it is perfectly visible even from a distance. It rises a slender belfry unusual tent, not far from where passes Traktovaya road leading from Rybinsk in Mologa.

The construction of the Church of St. Alexander Nevsky was launched in 1913, which coincided with a tribute to the date of the 100th anniversary of the Great Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1812. Construction work was directly linked with the name of Alexander Kozhevnikov Petrovic - who came from the most ordinary peasant family in the village Fominskaya relating to Ivanovo parish Rybinsk district.

In late 1918, the temple was finally completed, but with the outbreak of World War II, internal work has been suspended for quite a long time. On held November 7, 1918 meeting of the congregation of the new church was decided to continue construction work on their own on the collected funds. The plan was to create a special religious community, as well as the Building Council.
  In 1919, the temple fully opened previously consecrated. At this time when the community consisted of about 515 parishioners - the inhabitants of 19 villages which are located next to.

In the office of a priest of the church of Alexander Nevsky he was appointed Khmelnitsky Alexander - the former deacon of the temple in the village of Ivanovo. This man took on more responsibility when evolved quite a difficult situation.

It is clear that ongoing persecution of believers have played a role. In the late 1930s, the church was closed. In mid-1942 we were asked to solve the numerous believers in the church to make Easter worship, which carried the believers themselves. During the Great Patriotic War, he opened it again, although at a very short time, but at least as religious people had the opportunity to pray for the salvation of their homeland in the church, which is dedicated to the famous defender of Holy Russia - Prince Alexander Nevsky.

During the persecutions carried out by Khrushchev, another church was closed. For a long time the building, unguarded, so gradually began to break down and plundered. Over time, the plaster began to crumble, and from under it became visible red brick. The temple was badly damaged during the period of inactivity, and much deserted. The property has been completely looted the temple. Inside the temple was planned to place a large vegetable store, but the alleged plan was never implemented.

In the 80s of the 20th century local children set fire to the church. During the fire were burned all the wooden beams in the belfry of the church, whose steeple collapsed completely. The fire occurred in the summer of 1986. After the fire the church was on the verge of destruction: the porch and doors were broken, the frames and the flooring was not simple, and available in the building bricks of the furnace was dismantled. The building often arranged fires.

By the beginning of the period of the planned restoration work the roof located over the center of the building, almost completely rotted and half collapsed; on the porch of the temple had a ground plane with a width of 0, 5 m; roof grew trees, whose age was 20 years.

In late 1996, a decision was made for the immediate restoration of the church of Alexander Nevsky; Responsible for the post he was appointed Archpriest Vasily Denisov. In 1997, the parish registered, after which he was rightfully building. Here began the restoration and repairs.

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