Monument archeology "Ust-Sheksna"
   Photo: Monument of archeology "Ust-Sheksna"

Monument archeology "Ust-Sheksna" is located at the confluence of the Sheksna to the Volga, on its right bank. It stands on the site of a major trade and craft settlements 11-16 cc., Which was the forerunner of Rybinsk.

Since 1991, there guarding the archaeological excavations conducted by the archaeological expedition of Rybinsk. In 2005 there was built a watchtower with a palisade, which opened the first phase of an interactive archaeological museum. In 2006, a memorial sign, which represents the image of ancient warrior. Since 2007, the tours are available. In 2009, a chapel was built.

Presumably, the settlement of land in the area of ​​present Rybinsk dates back to the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. Christianization of Russia was held in the north direction of the watershed Volga - Sheksna and then discussed above - to Beloozerov and to the White Sea.

Around 1071 there was an uprising of serfs under the leadership of two of the Magi. They moved along the Volga and Sheksna from Yaroslavl to Beloozero, attacked people and killed women who stored food in times of famine. At this time, here came from Svyatoslav Yan son Vyshata to collect tribute. Belozertsev told him about the atrocities of the two wise men. Coming in settlements (their number included, probably, a settlement at the confluence of the Volga and Sheksna), magicians killed women from the families of elders. Ian Vyshatich attempted to grab the Magi, but he did not succeed. Still, he turned to talk Belozertsev give him the Magi. Yang gave them to relatives of the dead women, and they hanged them. This is stated in the "Tale of Bygone Years". It is assumed that the description of the events referred to Ust-Sheksna Rybinsk. It is considered the first mention of the settlement, located on the site of today Rybinsk.

But according to the archaeological excavations it turns out that people are at the confluence of the Sheksna to the Volga lived in an earlier time. The time of settlement dates to about 9. This is evidenced by the artifacts found 9-10 centuries .: silver Arab coins, and gold-spherical glass beads of carnelian, tubular needle cases and so on.

In the 11-13 centuries. to obtain significant development of the trade route Sheksna Volga-Baltic settlement looked like a large craft and shopping center, in which lived a few thousand inhabitants. The main income comes metallurgical, jewelry, blacksmithing, pottery, bone carving production that served "international" trade.

Archaeologists found inscriptions, graffiti, book fasteners, write, suggest literacy. Citizens also were fairly prosperous. This is indicated by the objects with gold and enamel. On the professionalism of the soldiers who defended the city, can be judged by the findings of armor (found fragments of chain mail and plate armor) and weapons (battle axes beaten and axes, spears, Sulitsa, flails, "garlic").

In the southern part of the archaeological site located fragments of building complexes: palisades, 5 carcass buildings, boardwalk vymostka yard. It was possible to restore the plan of several buildings, other buildings have been reconstructed on the spots fill pripechnyh, underground pits, lounging furnaces. On an area of ​​almost 700 sq.m. found the remains of fifteen buildings. They were separated by the respective building stages. The main type of buildings of the ancient settlements - home ground. The houses were adobe oven-pockets. There are large houses and two-chamber structure.

Disposition of the central part of the settlement - in several rows, arranged parallel Sheksna. Traces of fences between the estates: to the middle of the 12th century. here were typical hurdles, then - palisades, including and double. In the northern part of the archaeological site of the buildings can only guess mainland pits, fragments of ceramics clusters and individual finds.

Of interest are the floor tiles and brick fragments gruboformovannyh. The presence of these "urban features" confirms the high status of the settlement.

Ust-Sheksna decline occurred in 14-15 centuries. This was facilitated by the Tatar-Mongol invasion, plague. In the 14th century. North was lost, and in the 15th century. the central part of the city. But a settlement is not extinguished: by source 15. It is described as the administrative center of the inheritance Shehonskih princes with fishing and customs functions.

At the end of the 15th century. Ust-Sheksna became the property of Andrew Uglich. Revenues Shehonskih famous fish "fishing" and customs duties have resulted in "dislike" to him Ivan III, the elder brother. This rivalry was the cause of Ivan III the base of the right-bank settlements Fish having preferential taxation. The death of Andrew Uglich and seizure in favor of suburban fishers fishing Ust-sheksnintsev set to go into service by poverty Grand Duke of Moscow.

Thus, Ust-Sheksna was the root cause of the appearance of Fish settlement, which took function and swallowed up the most ancient populations existed for 500 years of the city center.

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