Church of St. Nicholas in Podozere
   Photo: Church of St. Nicholas in Podozere

Church of St. Nicholas on Podozere built on the site of a pre-existing old wooden church at the end of 1745 on cash parishioners - this circumstance served as a new stage in the construction of the stone city of Rostov after a long ban. It is known that in 1744 Peter the Great issued a decree banning the construction of stone outside of St. Petersburg. At this location for many years were the wooden churches, the first of which was built before khan Yedigei attacked Russian land.

Church of St. Nicholas - the stone has one head, two thrones, one of which is consecrated in the name of St. Nicholas, and the second - in honor of the Mother of God "All the Afflicted", which is especially venerated together with the icon of St. Nicholas. Thanks to preserved chronicles the history of the church in the details come down to us - so we know a lot not only about the construction process, but also the repair and restoration works carried out in the temple.

At the end of 1744 one of the priests has wooden church named Andrea Peter and Nikitin Gregory - Deacon joined with parish people decided to appeal to the Yaroslavl and Rostov Metropolitan Arseny with a request for permission to build on the site of the wooden church of stone in honor of St. Nicholas. It was assumed that the temple would chapel, consecrated in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary; old wooden church would give the peasants of the village Shugori relating to the Rostov district. The consecration of the church novovystroennoy occurred in 1751; sanctification process conducted Metropolitan Arseny.

Temple built of brick, although the roof was made of wood. The church iconostasis - a beautiful, gilded and carved forms, while made in the Baroque style. Today there is an inventory relating to 1853 and tells about the events of that time: predaltarny iconostasis of St. Nicholas Church was built in the tradition of the baroque fashion, and it is in exquisite taste. He was put on pedestals, which divides it into several tiers, equipped with tsyrovkoy moldings and openwork carving. The surface of the gilded iconostasis with the help of pure gold. Also approved by the iconostasis equal to the altar a small rise in the bearing wall.

Initially, the stone temple was not a single painting, but after some time has been spent a lot of time and labor to carry out painting according to specified topics.

With the passage of time in the interior decoration of St. Nicholas Church was made a lot of changes, of which the data are available. For example, in 1768 dilapidated wooden roof was replaced by a roof made of tinned iron - that it has been preserved to this day. It is also known that the old roof was replaced entirely on funds parishioners.

At the end of 1832 to the St. Nicholas Church was added a new porch. Three years later, it has made a large-scale inventory of all church property, and here mentioned and a whole new iconostasis. At the end of 1845 the temple was built around a high wooden fence. In 1853 it was refurbished murals.

In 1853 it held a re-inventory, which stated that the designated church of St. Nicholas is cold; It has a warm chapel, consecrated in the name of the Blessed Virgin Mary - All Who Sorrow joy. The division carried out on the altar of the directly temple porch and the refectory room. The Church - one floor, the roof is made using sheet metal and painted with copper paint. In the chapter there is a large cross made of iron and gilded with pure gold for golfabre. In the chapter have an apple attached to the head office through the iron chain. In the refectory of the room - roofing sheet and painted copperhead. From outside the temple walls whitewashed using a lime, but without plaster.

In 1920 the temple was closed Nikola. In the 1930s we understood the head and the bell tower, lost fence and interior decoration. Today, the temple acts.

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