Iguazu National Park
   Photo: Iguazu National Park

On the border of Argentina with Brazil and Paraguay is the famous national park "Falls", covering an area of ​​55 thousand hectares. The park is one of the modern wonders of the world - it's 275 waterfalls, overthrown in 5000 cubic meters of water per second from a height of 70 meters. It kept thousands of species of exotic birds, butterflies and unique tropical vegetation. Nearby are the ruins of the Jesuit missions of particular interest is the San Ignacio Mini, a church built in the style of "baroque Guarani." Above the waterfalls are convenient places for water sports.

Millionnotonnye mass incident, vzvihryayuscheysya and sprayed water birth in the sun amazing multicolored rainbow .  The molten silver boiling water, the mysterious shimmer of light, primitive power, coupled with finesse, a symphony of water jets, merge and executed unprecedented, created by nature body Eternity of the Universe - that is Iguazu .  The desire to preserve for posterity the pristine power and beauty of waterfalls led to the formation in the territory of neighboring states Reserves - Iguazu National Park .  On the part of Brazil commanded 180 thousand .  ha, it is the largest in Brazil and one of the world's largest reserves .  On the Argentine side, in the province of Misiones, the eponymous national park area of ​​55 thousand .  hectare .  Near the waterfalls built several hotels, bars, restaurants and the airport, the village has grown to 6 thousand .  people, busy with tourists coming from all over the world .

The reserves Iguazu palms, ironwood - quebracho, inhabited by monkeys, tapirs, hummingbirds, rare butterflies the size of a saucer and unimaginable colors. Lush tropical fauna - magnificent setting of waterfalls, not to mention the fact that the water rushes down there with basalt rocks of reddish color.

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