Peter and Paul Church on the island Belova
   Photo: Peter and Paul Church on the island Belova

The island Belova or upper owned Talab arhipelegu in the Pskov Lake, is a temple of Peter and Paul. The church is an architectural monument of XVI-XIX centuries.

In 1470, on the island of Upper Dosifej Verhneostrovsky Monk, who was a monk at a nearby Elizarovskaya monastery, he founded the monastery. The monastery was dedicated to the Apostles Peter and Paul. According to legend, the saint arrived on the island, which was inhabited by an escaped convict and robbers. And at first he had to hard. But with the help of a little kindness, humility and meekness Dosifej robbers managed to turn normal people, some of whom have taken vows in his monastery.

During the Northern War, in 1703, the monastery was destroyed by the Swedes, but after 7 years, it is completely restored. In 1764 the monastery was abolished. The church was converted into a parish and is attributed to the Pskov-Caves Monastery. At the beginning of the XIX century on the island of Belov's population of about 2,000 people (for comparison, here now constantly live only 28 people in the summer vacationers come here and children are on vacation, and the island's population increases slightly). The church was closed in the 20s of XX century. Having learned that the church is closed, the priest and parishioners managed to hide the holy relics of St. Dositheus.

In Soviet times the church was used as a warehouse, while slowly collapsed. But on the island, whose inhabitants at all times engaged in fishing, farming flourished fishing functioned small fishing factory, which produces drying smelt. Came the restructuring and farm collapsed.

In 1990, Peter and Paul Church was officially handed over to the church. In 1994, there were begun reconstruction work, which involved landing Cossacks landed on the island. It is these people, and raised from the ruins of the church. Church consecrated the elder Nikolai Guryanov, who arrived here from the neighboring island Belova. Then here pulled assistants, volunteers also help in the reconstruction of the temple.

The temple is made of limestone slabs and bricks. It has survived odnoapsidny, besstolpny bushel and the entrance to podtserkove from the altar. Belfry, the porch and the altar were rebuilt in 1862. A chapel has been completely restored, the two chapels is still being restored. The carved iconostasis, made of wood and featuring extraordinary beauty, was not preserved.

When the restoration was carried out of the temple, and to understand the mountains of rubbish, quite by accident was found preserved underground church, dating back to XV century. Father Sergius -nyneshny rector of the church - I am sure that the relics of St. Dosifeya hidden here. And in this chapel after renovation took place the first worship.

Service in the church of Peter and Paul are held only on Sundays and great feast. So if you want to get to the church on the other days, you will need to look for the abbot. His house is located next to the temple.

Besides the Church of Peter and Paul can be seen on the island worship the cross, installed by local residents in the name of Reverend Dosifeya and located very near, five minutes go from the church. Once there was a skit. The monastery Church of the Assumption located and cell Dosifeya.

Also on the island, you can go to the pine and fir trees, is a natural botanical monument. Grove occupy 1/3 of the island. Fir forest is unique, because there lives a large number of gray herons, and the most amazing thing is that they build their nests on the tops of spruce trees.

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