Dukhov Mountain
   Photo: brass Mount

Dukhov Mountain - cultural, historical and archaeological sites .  Located in the tract Litovka, near the village of Kirovo Opochetsky district in the Pskov region .  In ancient times there was a settlement, which was called Litovka .  It was founded by ancient Eastern Slavic tribes - krivichi .  Around the fort they were located their disposal in the form of burial mounds .  As is well known, and the settlement mounds Krivichy - the only real monuments, which testify to the life of these tribes .  It is also believed that this mountain was a sacred place for the first Baltic tribes and then to the pagan Slavs to their acceptance of Christianity .  According to one version, on top of the hill stood a statue of the idol Perkuonsa, who was one of the main gods worshiped by the ancient Baltic tribes, the ancestors of our contemporaries - Latvians and Lithuanians .  In an era of Slavs here at the top, in its place stood a statue of Perun, the chief deity of the pagan Slavs .  After the baptism of Rus occurred, plunged the idol, and a statue of him was placed a stone cross, which was erected on the same site .  It is believed that it existed until the era of the reign of Ivan the Terrible, and then allegedly gone underground .

There is evidence that the Tsar Ivan the Terrible before his death, issued a decree on establishing the list of holy sites, which included mountain and wind. Thus, at the end of the 16th century, the mountain was already known among the other holy places in Russia, and also, as today, was a place of pilgrimage for many believers. Many suggest that climbing a mountain, the compass needle slips under the influence of electromagnetic field acting in the area. The origin and mechanism of action of this phenomenon is not deeply explored.

By the Holy Mountain is a forest road. The mountain itself - the correct form, was once surrounded by a deep moat. Perhaps, on the site of the moat once stood a palisade. Some witnesses, who lived after the Second World War, argued that while the remains of the moat still quite clearly traced. However, today it is almost merged with the general relief, only a few places you may notice small holes that remind of its existence in ancient times. Also, around the mountain lies a small swamp, and after him - the forest and the village fields.

On top of the mountain can be reached by a footpath, located on a hillside, which is located at an angle of 45 degrees. The mountain a little less than 15 meters.

Today, on top of the mountain is a chapel dedicated to the Descent of the Holy Spirit, and around - the village cemetery. Construction of the chapel is made of wood, three-meter walls are lined with the carcass structure and edged boards. According to one version, this small chapel was built on the hill between the 16th and 19th centuries. According to another version, the date of its construction - 1910. The building - a one-storey, octagonal in plan. On the west side adjacent porch. Over a tin roof - a small drum and the head. Previously the dome chapel was a metal cross. Older locals claim that once he was gilded, but the time lost gold layer. Later, the cross as ancient icons, was stolen. Today, the cross on the chapel restored and icons, which are now in the church were donated by parishioners. Inside, fragments of ancient carving.

Today, as before the 1917 revolution, a day after the patron saint's day - Trinity, many pilgrims come here on the mountain and held worship. In the holiday held a procession from the Church of the Intercession in Opochka in the chapel of the Holy Spirit. Also held vigil prayer service and blessing of water.

The stories of many of the pilgrims testify to the healing power of this place. The Orthodox believe that dwells in the chapel of the Holy Spirit. It is believed that, after washing the floor in it, the suffering are healed from their illnesses. In confirmation of this in the chapel is always worth a bucket and a rag, and the floor is always clean cleaned.

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