Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin in Bolotovo
   Photo: Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin in Bolotovo

Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin is situated in the Pskov district, namely Derain Bolotovo formerly bore the name of the graveyard Znahlitsy. The first mention of the churchyard relate to 1585-1587 years when narrated about him in the Pskov scribe, and quit-books. The church was built from the plate in the late 13th - early 14th century, but it is only expected, because the sources of the exact date and the customer does not have survived. Church of the Intercession owned land is 57 acres. Beginning August 4, 1896 and 1898, for cash Church parishioners and benefactors brick chapel was built, as well as greatly expanded the bulk of the temple; All work was carried out under the supervision of a civil engineer Bogdanov Nikolai Ilyich. In the autumn September 20, 1898 the chapel was consecrated in the name of the Transfiguration.

Church bell tower originally existed as a belfry, but in 1912 in memory of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov family was again built of brick. The stone bell tower was equipped with four bells, unfortunately not had the inscriptions as well as symbols of weight. The first bell weighed about 13 pounds, and the second - about 10; Two existing podzvonka weighed approximately every Pudu. The church parables consisted of deacon, priest, and prosforni cantor.

Just before the temple open beautiful gates. In the church there are two throne, the chief of which was consecrated in honor of the Holy Virgin, and pridelnyh altar consecrated in the name of the Transfiguration. Around the perimeter mayest cemetery, which has preserved in a family burial-known and respected nobles Nazimovs. Buried in the churchyard of the village owner Nazimovo - GP Nazimov.

Since the summer of 1820, every year in the church held a procession in memory of the great signs of Our Lady, as well as getting rid of the plague throughout the Pskov region, taking place in a graveyard called Chirskaya. It is known that in 1420 the Mother of God appeared in Chirskaya signs in the church when the icon tears flowed. At the suggestion of Porkhov and Pskov Bishop Paul in honor of the famous wedding of Princess Maria Alexandrovna, who was the daughter of Russian Emperor Alexander II, p Edinburgh Duke, at the end of January 1874 was set fee from the temple, five rubles in silver to help Elias community Pskov sisters Mercy. The temple was the place to be mestnopochitaemaya icon depicting the face of Jesus Christ, who blesses dvuperstiem; icon dates from the 15th century.

The parish had two chapels built of wood; one of the chapels was in the village of Kokorin and was consecrated in honor of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, and the second - in the village of Great Peschivitsy, consecrated in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrios and located in the cemetery.

In mid-1884 it was established parochial custody to ensure the needs of the Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin. In 1888 he became chairman of the landowner Nazimov Vladimir Vladimirovich. With the support of welfare in 1898 was completed the construction and consecration of the chapel in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord. When the church was not a hospital, poorhouse or other kind of charities.
August 6 and October 1 churchyard Znahlitsy held two quite numerous fairs. Pskov merchants came here and organized all sorts of entertainment, including horse carousel.

In 1805, when the temple was 1,755 parishioners, and by 1900 their population was 3056. Parish often engaged in arable farming and cultivated flax. Priest of the church was Peter Ivanovich, who was born in 1879 in the village, near the Novgorod province. In 1909 he was put in a deacon, and in 1911 - a priest in the temple graveyard Rozhnitsy. The Church of the Intercession he served until March 5, 1917. In 1937 he was arrested and soon executed by the verdict of 14 December 1937. Since May 1917, the church served as a priest Vasily Nazareth. In 1942 the Pskov icon-painting workshop was re-painted temple iconostasis. Today the Church of the Intercession is valid.

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