Church of St. Nicholas in Videlebe
   Photo: Church of St. Nicholas in Videlebe

Videlebe - is the birthplace of St. Euphrosyne, who was the founder yelizarov convent .  Church of St. Nicholas is located between the village and stanitsa overseeding Karamyshevo on the road in the direction of Pskov, Porkhov and stands on the right bank of the river low Cherekha, in a small graveyard, surrounded on all sides by a fence .  The church is a four-pillar, cross-domed, trehapsidny temple .  Chief cubic volume is equipped with semi-cylindrical apses lowered toward the east, and is crowned with a cylindrical light drum having a bulbous head .  On the west side has a small porch and the north - pridelnyh lowered church with a semicircular apse and a decorative wooden octagonal drum, which is crowned with an octagonal head gracefully; on the south side has made a great late enough chapel .  In the western part of the church, namely, 8 meters from her, the bell tower is stolpoobraznaya .

Facade design of the quadrangle is made in the traditional performance and has a three-part division, made with the help of the blades, which in the upper part of the interconnected creeping a twin arches, in the middle of which there are sections of the roof, which is held under the eaves .  The church roof is hipped and executed erected on the site of a pre-existing mnogoskatnoy .  Temple light drum has four slit window openings, which are located on all sides of the world, and on top of them decorated with a belt made of a semicircular terraced niches with glazed tiles of green, under which runs a ceramic belt with the inscription, made with the help of the tie in the 16th century .  On the eastern side of the facade of the quadrangular keep a small Niska, and on the west and north - only the upper part thereof, as the bottom disappeared in the process of expanding the windows made with arched lintels .  Chetverik has a bulbous head, equipped with a metal cross and covered with roofing iron .  The interior design of the quadrangle has four pillars .  Light drum is located on the girth of high arches .  Crosspoint sleeves blocked using Korobov vault .  In the western side of the quadrangle established choirs in the northern and southern parts of which are tents .  In the southern tent has pridelnyh church in honor Evfrosina and Nikandra, and in the eastern wall of the tent - dyakonnik, zherstvennik throne . 

On the north side of the quadrangle adjacent pridelnyh temple in honor of the Protection of the Mother of God, equipped with a semicircular apse, the porch and the decorative made of wood octagonal drum, having the completion of a metal head and a cross. Immediately below the pent roof is a thin profiled cornice. The windows have onion shape and decorated with a profiled frame casings. The church applied pridelnyh flat ceiling. On the wall, located in the north side, there is a window opening. Kazan chapel are five-sided apse and window openings are closed with metal bars. Above the central part of the drum is a decorative ending covered iron cupola.

Just eight meters to the west of the church is the four-tiered bell tower, built during the years 1827-1837 in the late Baroque style of the provincial. Window openings are middle and upper tiers feature a framework casing, and keystones. The bell tower is built of limestone slabs, then plastered and whitewashed.

As for the interior decoration of an old, wealthy enough in those days, when the church was preserved only The four-collecting iconostasis dates back to the 19th century. The iconostasis is laid out in the form of a solid wall, and completed several icons pear-shaped, equipped with wooden crosses. The iconostasis is equipped with a distinct vertical and horizontal articulation, and is decorated with carvings, which increasingly is on the royal doors.

During the 1960s, many of the icons of St. Nicholas Church were taken for storage in the Pskov Museum, the most valuable of them are: "Assumption of the Virgin", "Protection of the Virgin" and "St. Euphrosyne and Nikandr."

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