Euphrasian Basilica
   Photo: Euphrasian Basilica

Euphrasian Basilica can be called a truly exquisite temple construction, which was built by Bishop Euphrasius in Porec. The building was built in the sixth century on the site of the remaining ruins of the old basilica, it was used some fragments.

Style Euphrasian Basilica can be called a mixture of Byzantine and European architectural schools. Most historical and aesthetic value of this building - a beautiful Byzantine mosaic of the Virgin Mary, the Christ child and patrons of the city of Porec. The latter include Archdeacon Claudius, Euphrasius his son, as well as Bishop Euphrasius, in whose hands the model of the basilica, and the St. Maurus. It is worth noting vivid picture of the whole complex. With regard to men and angels, are located on either side of the Virgin Mary - they really look like a painting come to life.

The earthquake, which occurred in the middle of the XV century, led to the collapse of the basilica. For many years, she was in a very damaged condition, and only to the XVIII century it was rebuilt.

Due to the unique characteristics of acoustic Euphrasian Basilica, is often carried out various music concerts. In addition, all guests of the temple seeking to climb the tower, because here eyes the great beauty views of Porec.

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