Museum of Belarusian printing
   Photo: Museum of Belarusian printing

Belarusian Book Printing Museum in Polotsk opened September 8, 1990 for the 500th anniversary of the birth of the first Belarusian printer, philosopher, educator Francis Skaryna Belarus. The museum exposition is located in the former school of Polotsk Bratsk Epiphany Monastery.

Polovchane a creative approach to the design of the museum, which was held under the guidance of artists S. and I. Dmitriev Kurzhalov. The museum vividly shows the processes of manual re-writing of books and printing on the first printing press. The scriptorium (a special room where the copyists worked books) sits scholar monk in a cassock and carefully wrote the sacred text of a quill pen. The old printers printing team working on early printed books.

The museum also contains interesting specimens of various books on ancient manuscripts and scrolls to modern books. During a fascinating tour have the opportunity to see the process of creating manuscripts and printed books, compare and evaluate the contribution of first printers, will greatly facilitate the publication of books and make it mainstream. Here assembled a large collection of writing instruments of all time.

The museum exposition is located in 15 rooms on 928 square meters, which demonstrates more than 2,500 museum exhibits.

The museum organizes guided tours for adults and schoolchildren, most of which is conducted in the native Belarusian language. In addition to the permanent exhibition, there are held interesting exhibitions dedicated to books and the printing industry.

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