   Photo: Arboretums

Arboretums them. SF Kharitonov - one of the "green" attractions Pereslavl. The garden is located on a hill, in the southwestern part of the city with panoramic views of the picturesque lake and Pleshcheeva ancient city.

Dendrological Garden was founded at the initiative of Sergey Fedorovich Kharitonov, honored Russian forester. In 1950 gg.S.F. Kharitonov seriously led introduktcionnyj serious work. The first experiments on the acclimatization of hardwood and softwood them carried out in the garden.

In 1952, forestry contributed a vacant lot of land in one hectare, which were planted introduced plants. Systematic work on the introduction and expansion of the collection and selection of shrub and tree species were started in the 1960s.

Since 1962, the area of ​​the arboretum gardens increased to 20 hectares. They were laid aronia plantation, Siberian cedar, larch, spruce and various forms of others.

In 1978, major works were started for the development of new areas of the garden according to the general plan of expansion and reconstruction dendrological garden.

Dendrological planting project was carried out in landscape style. According to the draft placement of plants occur at a botanical-geographical principle. All plants are presented here in eight geographical divisions: the Crimea and the Caucasus, North America, Far East, Siberia, Japan and China, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Western Europe. The plants were planted in groups of different densities and shapes in the age of 3-5 years.

However, departments and exposition were also laid an experimental plots owned by various scientific institutions in the country.

Modern arboretum is a great work of foresters and forestry agencies with the participation of the administration and urban educational institutions. Thanks to them dendrogarden - a natural object, which is of great scientific, cultural, economic and educational value.

Currently dendrological garden area of ​​58 hectares. There are more than six hundred items of shrubs and trees that represent 129 genera and 43 families. The most numerous - are representatives of the rose, pine, maple, birch, willow, honeysuckle.

Plants in dendrogarden planted as avenue plantation, groups, among them are many paths from which visitors very convenient to examine the collection.

Today, the activity is a broad dendrological garden production, education and research work.

Dendrogarden Pereslavl-Zalessky is a huge vegetable collection fund, including copies of which can be found plants from different corners of the earth. In the garden there are two experimental plots: the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Forestry and Mechanization where grown economically valuable conifers; and Main Botanical Garden of Russian Academy of Sciences with a population of apricot; as well as the exposition of the Institute of medicinal plants with beneficial plants in the treatment plan, which carry out research and experimental work, demonstrating the achievements of plant breeding and genetics.

Long-term practical work of specialists dendrological garden of acclimatization and introduction of plants identified five hundred and eleven taxa of shrubs and trees that are suitable for widespread use in gardening. With such an invaluable result dendrogarden successfully implementing it in terms of the Yaroslavl region.

Taking into account the interests of the region's population and the tendency for reduction in non-black earth zone of Russia area of ​​orchards, garden established exposure berry and fruit crops, which are implemented seedlings plant population.

Today the arboretum is used as an object of educational and cultural purposes. His visit individually or as part of excursions ecologists, experts forestry sector, schoolchildren and students, residents and visitors. The dendrological garden themed lessons, seminars, practice for students who are functioning clubs, school lectures, contributing to the education of ecological culture.

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