Historical Museum Bratsigovo
   Photo: Historical Museum Bratsigovo

Historical Museum in the town of Bratsigovo began with a small exhibition in one of the local schools, gradually grew collection of artifacts and many times changed its location. Finally, in 1988, the museum will have its own building.

The tragic history of resistance to the Turkish yoke the Bulgarian people, it is the subject dedicated to the most interesting exhibits in the museum Bratsigovo. Center of exposure are materials testifying to the preparation and development of the uprising in 1876 against the government of the Turkish sultan. Of particular interest is a self-made instrument made of cherry and drag bars, these are the rebels used during the fighting. Also presented their scimitars, pistols, rifles and a banner sewn to a local insurgency teacher A. Gizdovoy.

The house is one of the Bulgarian revolutionaries - Vasil Petleshkov, who headed the rebellious citizens, too, became a museum. In 1976, it opened an exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the uprising. The atmosphere in the house Petleshkov fully preserved, besides wishing can get acquainted with archival photographs and documents.

On culture and way of life of residents and everyone can learn from the exhibition, which is located in the House of Kanev. There are documents, photos, as well as tools with which to cultivate the land to grow flowers (it is known that the lands of Bratsigovo in large quantities grown oilseeds rose). There is an opportunity to get acquainted with the history of crafts of this region, are presented here spindles, spinning wheels, rugs, weaving mill, also in Bulgarian folk musical instruments, ritual cakes and bread.

The exhibition, which opened in the house Popov in 1981, tells about the unique school of architecture that emerged in Bratsigovo in the XVIII century .. It happened, when the family moved Bratsigov master builders from Kostur (Rep. Of Macedonia). The rich photographic archive recounts the first masters of their instruments and Bratsigovo. In addition, builders preserved the statute, as well as vocabulary, which they use to encrypt the important elements of the work methods and the names of the tools. Encryption has been used not to betray the secrets of his skill to outsiders. Visitors to the house can be found Popov with models of buildings made Bratsegovo masters.

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