Moulin rouge
   Photo: Moulin Rouge

Moulin Rouge ("Red Mill», Moulin Rouge) - the world's most famous classical theater, founded in 1899. It is located on the Boulevard de Clichy, near the Place Pigalle, in a "red light district".

The opening of his theater owners Joseph Oller and Charles Zidler deliberately timed to coincide with the beginning of the Paris World's Fair and the completion of the construction of the Eiffel Tower - both events attracted to the capital of France, a lot of guests, and the initiators of the project counted on their attention. The name comes from a plaster cast of cabaret windmill painted in red color - it is installed on the roof.

From the outset, the cabaret has attracted not only the middle class, but the aristocracy, artists. His regulars became the Prince of Wales, Picasso and Oscar Wilde. The initial period of the Moulin Rouge osenёn work of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec - the artist appears here every night. His paintings, depicting the dancers and dance, made famous cabaret.

The main part of the evening program Moulin Rouge has always been the idea, accompanied by performance cancan. This number varies over time: the dance of the courtesans, he gradually turned into an exciting dance excellently trained dancers - with acrobatic tricks, but still with squeals and shouts.

In 1893, one of the dancers of the Moulin Rouge for the first time in modern history completely undressed on stage. We can assume that there was first performed a real striptease.

In 1915, a fire destroyed the Moulin Rouge, but in 1921 the institution opened again. During the occupation of Paris, his work was interrupted, but resumed after the war representation. There was singing Charles Aznavour. Questions were technologically very complex numbers: for example, in 1964, appeared on the scene a huge aquarium, where swam nude dancers.

About the famous cabaret written countless songs, filmed six feature films, written a novel.

The theater seats 850. Now it is put revue "Extravaganza" is considered the best program of the Moulin Rouge.

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