House of Auguste Comte
   Photo: House of Auguste Comte

Auguste Comte House - a private museum and archive dedicated to the memory of the famous French philosopher, a positivist, the founder of sociology and scientific positivism.

The scientist lived in the second floor of the house 10 on the street Monsieur-le-Prince from 1841 until his death. Here he wrote the four volumes of his main work, "system of positive politics."

Conte - one of the strangest and most controversial figures in the intellectual history of France. Undoubted genius in his youth by the dispute with Saint-Simon and lectured famous scientists (Humboldt, Poinsot, Blainville), at times he showed obvious insanity. In a fit of rage he tried to drown his wife stoked himself in the Seine. Fortunately for science, able to overcome the disease, Comte focused on scientific writings and lectures on astronomy for the workers. In 1842, however, he came to the creation of "positive religion", with himself began to consider its high priest. Acquainted with Clotilde de Vaux, his wife deprived of civil rights of the criminal, deeply loved her, under the influence of this feeling was strengthened in an effort to introduce "positive religion." Unsuccessfully treated tips to Nicholas I, the Grand Vizier Reshid Pasha, General of the Jesuits Becks (sent to General Comte works generally remained unopened).

It is clear, however, that "the system of positive politics," written, it would seem, during the darkening contains brilliant insights. Comte and svёl classified into a single system all the then existing science. He saw a gaping lacuna in place discipline that studies the society and called this science of sociology (social physics).

150-meter apartment of the founder of sociology has changed little over half a century. In the living room the visitor encounters a portrait of Clotilde de Vaux. The office remained library scientist. Classroom recalls that Conte was a brilliant teacher. In the dining room on a black marble fireplace are the scales on which the philosopher has always weighed his dinner (he was annoyed stomach pain). Kitchen with adjoining room were the domain of the young peasant Sophie Blau, who played the role of loyal confidante scientist - Comte believed her his adopted daughter. In the bedroom, the last room of the museum, September 5, 1857, Sophie Blau devotedly looked into the eyes of Auguste Comte, from whose mouth fly off the last breath.

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