Lake Abrau
   Photo: Lake Abrau

Abrau lake - it is the largest freshwater lake in the Krasnodar region. It is located 14 km to the west of the city of Novorossiysk, on the peninsula Abrau. The total area of ​​the lake is 1, 6 sq. km ..

The lake harbors many mysteries associated with its origin. Some scholars argue that his depression is a remnant of the ancient Cimmerian freshwater pool, which existed on the site of the Black Sea more than one million years ago, others that it was formed as a result of karst failure, while others attribute the appearance of this mysterious lake with huge landslides - landslides, formed at a very low level of the sea.

The waters of Lake Abrau are a kind of emerald hue. There were no pine framing or sky-high mountains, but in spite of this, the lake is very scenic views. On coastal ranges grow maples and oaks.

Earlier, on the site of the pond was located Circassian village or Echeh Abraham, which means "failure". On the Abkhaz Abrau-Durso, translated as "the failure of four sources," and with the ancient Iranian as the "water", clear as the sky. " Today, however, the lake is not very transparent. Its visibility is about one meter.

Abrau Lake is one of the few cultivated lakes where there is a boathouse, a hotel, and the banks cleared of wild bushes. In summer it is very warm, so here comes a lot of tourists. Besides all this Abrau lake - the only source of agricultural, industrial, domestic and drinking water supply of the village. That is why the protection of lake pollution - the primary task.

At the end of 1974 Abrau lake was declared a natural monument.

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