Church archaeological museum at the Pechersky Ascension Monastery
   Photo: Church and Archaeological Museum at Pechersky Ascension Monastery

Within the walls of the Nizhny Novgorod Pechersky Ascension Monastery in 2003, it opened the Church Archaeological Museum "History of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese." Storey tower building where the museum is located, is in the heart of men monastery near the Ascension Cathedral.

The main museum exhibition shows the history of the centuries-old monastery in the annals of the document (16-18 centuries . ), The real subjects of church utensils, household items, and vestments of the priests of all ranks .  The museum preserves ancient archaeological finds, found on the original territory of the monastery (the monastery was founded in the 13th century, in 1597 was destroyed by the collapse of the mountains and moved to its present location) .  The most valuable exhibits of the museum are: forged metal doors and a cross of the seventeenth-century Church of the Assumption, floor iron plate of the Saviour Efimevskogo gate of the temple and mortgages (iron alloy) commemorative plate with an inscription in Church Slavonic language, which tells of the tab Ascension Cathedral ( 1630 g . ) And visiting Pechersk monastery of Emperor Alexander II and his wife (1858 . ) .  In addition to artifacts and chronicles the history of the ancient monastery is presented in the form of modern reproductions of paintings, which cover events of Russian history and role in these events superiors and church leaders Pechersky Monastery . 

In the windows of the museum church manuscripts and early printed books, brochures and letters of bishops and priests ascetics male monastery. The central part of halls occupy storefronts with iconographic images, vestments and church utensils. An original museum exhibit is an old coffin and other objects belonging to the monastery necropolis found during restoration work on the territory of the monastery. The final part of the monastery's exposition on the first floor of the building tells the story of the last pre-revolutionary period and the fate of the monastery abbot.

On the second floor of the building (in the three large halls) presents the history of foundation and development of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese in various exhibits, documentary evidence and objects of religious art. The interior of the hall with the pre-revolutionary prints depicting the ministry of Nizhny Novgorod saints, exhibited genuine pictures MP Dmitriev and SA Karelin, where you can see the monasteries, chapels and churches of Nizhny Novgorod until 1917, many of which were destroyed.

Church archaeological museum at the Pechersky Ascension Monastery - the first and only museum of its kind in the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese representing visitors rich historical material.

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